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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06) : 742 -750. doi: 10.3877/ cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2024.06.007


谭飞1,2, 王静1,2, 曾健康1,2, 李嘉欢1,2, 李培杰1,2, 汪昕1,2, 乔永杰2, 叶铄2, 周胜虎2,()   
  1. 1.730000 兰州,甘肃中医药大学
    2.730050 兰州,解放军联勤保障部队第940医院关节外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-20 出版日期:2024-12-01
  • 通信作者: 周胜虎
  • 基金资助:

Antegrade intramedullary pins versus different retrograde techniques in treatment of fifth metacarpal neck fractures

Fei Tan1,2, Jing Wang1,2, Jiankang Zeng1,2, Jiahuan Li1,2, Peijie Li1,2, Xin Wang1,2, Yongjie Qiao2, Shuo Ye2, Shenghu Zhou2,()   

  1. 1.Gansu university of Chinese Medical, Lanzhou 730000, China
    2.The 940th Hospital of PLA Joint Logistics Support Force, Lanzhou 730050, China
  • Received:2024-05-20 Published:2024-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Shenghu Zhou

谭飞, 王静, 曾健康, 李嘉欢, 李培杰, 汪昕, 乔永杰, 叶铄, 周胜虎. 顺行髓内钉与不同逆行技术治疗第5掌骨颈骨折[J/OL]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(06): 742-750.

Fei Tan, Jing Wang, Jiankang Zeng, Jiahuan Li, Peijie Li, Xin Wang, Yongjie Qiao, Shuo Ye, Shenghu Zhou. Antegrade intramedullary pins versus different retrograde techniques in treatment of fifth metacarpal neck fractures[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(06): 742-750.




检索PubMed、荷兰医学文摘(Embase)、Cochrane图书馆、Web of Science、中国知网、维普及万方等数据库中关于顺行髓内钉与不同逆行技术治疗第5掌骨颈骨折的临床研究。纳入10篇高质量文章,包括随机对照研究、前瞻性及回顾性队列研究。共563名患者均为第五掌骨颈骨折,其中277例患者接受顺行髓内钉固定,286例患者接受不同逆行技术固定。主要观察指标为视觉模拟量表(VAS)、快速上肢功能评分表(Quick DASH)、屈曲度、背伸度及并发症。


在术后随访3个月时,顺行髓内钉的VAS评分[均数差(MD)=-0.88,95%置信区间(CI)(-1.56,-0.19),P=0.01]优于不同逆行技术,但术后6个月,顺行髓内钉VAS评分与不同逆行技术无差异[MD=-0.6,95%CI(-1.93,0.62),P=0.32]。顺行髓内钉的Quick DASH评分在术后3个月[MD=-4.63,95%CI(-7.86,-1.41),P=0.005]和6个月[MD=-1.46,95%CI(-2.78,-0.13),P=0.03]均优于逆行技术。在屈曲度、背伸度两组间差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。此外,两组并发症例数过少,不能进行统计学分析。




To compare the clinical efficacy of the antegrade intramedullary nailing with different retrograde techniques in the treatment of fifth metacarpal neck fractures.


The databases of PubMed, Excerpta Medica Database(Embase), Cochrane Library, Web of Science, China Knowledge Network, China Science and Technology Journal Database (VIP) and Wanfang were searched for clinical studies on the treatment of fifth metacarpal neck fracture (FMNF) by the antegrade intramedullary pins technique versus different retrograde techniques. Ten high-quality articles were included, including randomized controlled studies, prospective and retrospective cohort studies. A total of 563 patients had FMNFs, of which 277 patients underwent fixation with antegrade intramedullary pins and 286 patients underwent fixation with different retrograde techniques. The main observations were visual analogue scale (VAS), quick disability of arm, shoulder and hand (Quick DASH), flexion, dorsal extension and complications.


At three month after surgery,the VAS score of the antegrade intramedullary pin group [mean difference (MD)=-0.88, 95% confidence interval (CI) (-1.56, -0.19), P=0.01]was superior to those of different retrograde techniques groups, but at six months after surgery, the VAS score of the antegrade intramedullary pin group was not statistically different from that of the different retrograde techniques[MD=-0.65,95% CI ( -1.93,0.62), P=0.32]. The Quick DASH score for the antegrade intramedullary pins was superior to the retrograde technique at three months [MD=-4.63,95% CI (-7.86, -1.41), P=0.005]and at six months [MD=-1.46, 95% CI(-2.78,-0.13), P=0.03]after the procedure. There was no difference between the two groups in flexion and dorsal extension(both P>0.05). In addition, the overall complication rate was low in both groups.


Antegrade intramedullary pins fixation was superior to retrograde technique fixation in terms of early postoperative pain and recovery of upper extremity mobility, but both complication rates were comparable. The antegrade intramedullary pin technique results in faster restoration of hand function, therefore, antegrade intramedullary pin fixation is recommend.

图1 PRISMA(系统综述和Meta分析首选报告项目)文献筛选流程图
Figure 1 PRISMA flow diagram of literature search
表1 Cochrane风险偏倚评估表
Table 1 Cochrane risk of bias assessment form
表2 纳入研究的基本特征
Table 2 General characteristics of the enrolled studies
Study period
Study type
Surgery Comparison
Case number
Mean age(year)
Kim[19] 2015 韩国 2011~2013 PCS 顺行髓内钉 逆行髓内钉 23 23 32 31
Höpfner[22] 2007 德国 1998~2001 RCS 顺行髓内钉 逆行交叉KW 15 15 26 25
Saldívar[21] 2023 墨西哥 - PCS 顺行髓内钉 逆行髓内钉 34 26 28 32
Medrano[17] 2022 西班牙 2019~2020 RCS 顺行髓内钉 逆行无头螺钉 20 20 32 38
Lazarus[20] 2020 法国 2007~2014 RCS 顺行髓内钉 顺逆行髓内双钉 20 20 25 26
Kim[18] 2023 韩国 2005~2023 RCT 顺行髓内钉 逆行交叉KW 50 60 45.9 45.9
单恩奇[13] 2020 中国 2017~2019 RCS 顺行髓内钉 逆行交叉KW 13 17 24.2 23.4
刘栋[14] 2020 中国 2017~2019 RCS 顺行髓内钉 逆行交叉KW 30 30 39.3 40.5
姚培培[16] 2022 中国 2017~2021 PCS 顺行髓内钉 切开逆行交叉KW 32 35 14.1 14.7
杨坤[15] 2022 中国 2020~2021 RCT 顺行髓内钉 逆行交叉KW 40 40 35.7 34.9
Follow-up time(months)
NOS score
Kim[19] 2015 韩国 6 6 8 VAS、Quick DASH、握力
Höpfner[22] 2007 德国 17 18 7 VAS、Quick DASH、握力
Saldívar[21] 2023 墨西哥 2 2 6 VAS、Quick DASH、屈曲度、背伸度
Medrano[17] 2021 西班牙 3.8 3.8 8 VAS、Quick DASH、背伸度
Lazarus[20] 2020 法国 118 55 8 VAS、Quick DASH、握力、屈曲度、背伸度
Kim[18] 2023 韩国 12 12 - Quick DASH
单恩奇[13] 2020 中国 8.1 8.5 7 Quick DASH、屈曲度、背伸度
刘栋[14] 2020 中国 1.5 1.5 7 Quick DASH、屈曲度、背伸度
姚培培[16] 2022 中国 1.5 1.5 7 VAS、Quick DASH、屈曲度、背伸度
杨坤[15] 2022 中国 1.5 1.5 - Quick DASH、屈曲度、背伸度
表3 森林图结果汇总
Table 3 Summary of forest map results
表4 亚组分析
Table 4 Subgroup analysis
亚组Subgroup 视觉模拟量表VAS 快速上肢功能评分表Qiuick DASH
文献Literatures MD(95%CI P I 2值(%) 文献Literatures MD(95%CI P I 2值(%)
研究类型Study types
总计3个月Total three months 6 -0.88(-1.56,-0.19) 0.01 83 10 -4.63(-7.86,-1.41) 0.005 100
RCT 0 0 0 0 2 -0.62(-2.23,1.00) 0.46 98
PCS 3 -1.32(-2.46,0.18) 0.02 78 3 -13.57(-20.44,-6.70) <0.001 93
RCS 3 -0.56(-1.73,0.61) 0.35 88 5 -0.98(-1.74,-0.22) 0.01 32
总计6个月Total six months 2 -1.46(-2.78,-0.13) 0.32 96 5 -1.46(-2.78,-0.13) 0.03 96
RCT 0 0 0 0 1 -0.03(-0.14,0.08) 0.59 -
PCS 2 -1.46(-2.78,-0.13) 0.32 96 2 -14.73(-41.34,11.87) 0.28 99
RCS 0 0 0 0 2 -0.06(-0.43,0.31) 0.76 0
亚组Subgroups 视觉模拟量表VAS 快速上肢功能评分表Qiuick DASH
文献Literatures MD(95%CI P I 2值(%) 文献Literatures MD(95%CI P I 2值(%)
随访时间Follow-up time
总计Total 8 -0.64(-1.24,-0.03) 0.04 93 15 -3.80(-5.40,-2.21) <0.0001 99
3个月Three months 6 -0.64(-1.38,0.11) 0.09 98 10 -4.63(-7.86,-1.41) 0.005 100
6个月Six months 2 -0.65(-1.93,0.62) 0.32 96 5 -1.46(-2.78,-0.13) 0.03 95
总计3个月Total three months 6 -0.88(-1.56,-0.19) 0.01 83 10 -4.63(-7.86,-1.41) 0.005 100
亚洲Asia 2 -2.00(-3.00,1.00) <0.001 - 6 -3.36(-7.40,0.68) 0.1 100
欧洲Europe 3 -0.56(-1.73,0.61) 0.35 88 3 -1.52(-4.45,1.42) 0.31 59
墨西哥Mexican 1 -0.82(-1.22,-0.42) <0.001 - 1 -27.21(-34.50,-19.92) <0.0001 -
总计6个月Total six months 2 -0.65(-1.93,0.62) 0.32 96 5 -1.46(-2.78,-0.13) 0.03 96
亚洲Asia 1 0(-0.38,0.38) 1 - 4 -0.04(-0.14,0.07) 0.51 0
欧洲Europe 0 - - - 0 - - -
墨西哥Mexican 1 -1.30(-1.66,-0.94) <0.0001 - 1 -28.45(-34.26,-22.64) <0.0001 -
亚组Subgroup 屈曲度Flexion 背伸度Extension
文献Literatures MD(95%CI P I 2值(%) 文献Literatures MD(95%CI P I 2值(%)
研究类型Study types
总计3个月Total three months 6 4.49(-0.11,9.09) 0.06 98 7 1.02(-0.36,2.40) 0.15 94
RCT 1 6.19(5.75,6.63) <0.001 - 1 0.68(0.36,1.00) <0.001 -
PCS 2 12.29(-17.90,2.47) 0.8 99 2 2.94(-4.69,10.57) 0.45 98
RCS 3 -0.20(-3.02,2.62) 0.89 88 4 0.38(-1.99,2.76) 0.75 84
总计6个月Total six months 5 2.49(-0.84,5.820 0.14 96 5 2.46(-0.77,5.68) 0.14 99
RCT 1 0.22(-0.33,0.77) 0.44 - 1 4.83(4.40,5.26) <0.0001 -
PCS 2 10.98(-22.2744.23) 0.52 99 2 3.79(-4.90,12.48) 0.39 99
RCS 2 -0.62(-2.64,1.41) 0.55 78 2 -0.10(-1.15,0.95) 0.85 0
亚组Subgroups 屈曲度Flexion 背伸度Extension
文献Literatures MD(95%CI P I 2值(%) 文献Literatures MD(95%CI P I 2值(%)
随访时间Follow-up time
总计Total 11 3.72(0.86,6.57) 0.01 98 12 1.70(0.18,3.23) 0.03 98
3个月Three months 6 4.49(-0.11,9.09) 0.06 98 7 1.02(-0.36,2.40) 0.15 94
6个月Six months 5 2.49(-0.84,5.82) 0.14 96 5 2.46(-0.77,5.68) 0.14 99
总计3个月Total three months 6 4.49(-0.11,9.09) 0.06 98 7 1.02(-0.36,2.40) 0.15 94
亚洲Asia 4 0.92(-4.08,5.92) 0.72 98 4 -0.18(-1.50,1.14) 0.79 94
欧洲Europe 1 -0.55(-3.11,2.01) 0.67 - 2 0.83(-1.20,2.85) 0.42 0
墨西哥Mexican 1 27.75(22.30,33.20) <0.001 - 1 6.90(4.88,8.92) <0.001 -
总计6个月Total six months 5 2.49(-0.84,5.82) 0.14 96 5 2.46(-0.77,5.68) 0.14 99
亚洲Asia 4 -0.84(-2.36,0.67) 0.27 81 4 1.08(-2.42,4.57) 0.55 99
欧洲Europe 0 - - - 0 - - -
墨西哥Mexican 1 28.02(21.96,34.08) <0.001 - 1 8.28(6.24,10.32) <0.001 -
表5 敏感性分析结果
Table 5 Results of sensitivity analysis
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